BIG NEWS The Seamless Flooring Systems Training Roadshow is complete and we are proud to announce that we now have another 75 newly trained, able and willing Applicators for Quartz Carpet, Fine Grain Flooring" and Seamless Safety Rubber Flooring Our Training Team went on a spectacular trip through South Africa. The starting point was Cape [...]
Here’s a round-up of the latest in hard floors. they’re all beautiful, so you’re spoilt for choice.
When choosing a new interior colour scheme it is advisable to start with the floor and work your way up. Typically, the floor area constitutes one sixth of the total surface area of a room, like the ceiling. It is sure to have a strong influence on the overall colour scheme. When designers or specifiers think [...]
Unique Floors for the Corporate Sector Never before has there been a flooring product that so seamlessly and effortlessly weaves through corporate environments - flowing out of elevators and into reception areas, linking into boardrooms, meandering down passageways, in and out of offices, around the company gymnasium and eventually retiring to the outside courtyard. It [...]
Quartz Carpet evokes a natural earthy mood – not unlike the clean pebbled look of a Greek beach. It’s also easily installed and can be used indoors and out. It is ideal for around pool and wet areas as it's texture makes it non-slip and very child friendly.
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